3 Indicators Your Heavy-Duty Truck Needs Coolant Service Immediately

3 Indicators Your Heavy-Duty Truck Needs Coolant Service Immediately

A cooling system flush is crucial to your heavy-duty truck's routine maintenance. This procedure may ensure that your engine runs smoothly for a very long time. Because components are susceptible to wear and tear with repeated use and don't hold up as well to freezing and boiling, the coolant has to be flushed. Since engines have a lot of rust-prone components, when the coolant circulates, it takes up the rust and debris and deposits it in other areas of the heavy-duty truck. But with time, the particles might accumulate in the coolant, making it less effective. Flushing often maintains your coolant and avoids clogs.

So how do you know when your coolant needs attention? Below we’ve covered the top 3 signs that your heavy-duty truck needs coolant service. 

1. You have exceeded your coolant mileage 

The typical interval between flushes for silicate coolants is two years or 30,000 miles, and for extended drain coolants, it may be up to five years or 100,000 miles, depending on the heavy-duty truck and the coolant. By looking at the color, you can identify the sort of coolant you have. The prolonged drain coolants are often gold or orange, whereas the silicate coolants are typically green.

2. You experience changes in performance 

If you reside in a region with very harsh winters, you could discover that the engine struggles to start on a chilly morning. If you live in a hot climate, you could also find that one day your heavy-duty truck simply won't start. Check the coolant overflow reservoir if your heavy-duty truck won't start as it should. Check it throughout the day to see if the level changes. If it happens, your heavy-duty truck has to be flushed since the coolant is probably not cooling the engine as it should.

3. Other signs to look for 

Your heavy-duty truck's cooling system is unhealthy if you can smell antifreeze or if it overheats quickly. Having to repeatedly add coolant indicates that the system needs to be examined. You should also take any evidence of a leak to your diesel repair specialist so they may examine it.

The best course of action is always to bring your heavy-duty truck to a diesel repair specialist service department if you suspect a problem, but you may also check the coolant yourself quickly. After ensuring the heavy-duty truck is cold, place a clean container under the drain valve. To view the color, open the valve and let a little coolant drip into the container. Bring the heavy-duty truck in to flush the coolant if it seems to have rust or if it has become brown rather than the original colors of green or orange. Another indication that the coolant needs to be changed is the presence of clogged coolant tubes in the radiator.

Final words

Focus on these signs, and you can repair your heavy-duty truck's coolant system again to get it to function properly. It will provide peace of mind as you continue to drive on the road.


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